[English] - [Cymraeg]
Our latest episode of Inside HMCTS delves into an impactful anti-knife crime event held at Westminster Magistrates’ Court earlier this month.
In the first of this two-part episode, we speak with Ian Rawlins, a legal adviser from London, about the inspiration behind the event and the importance of educating young people on the dangers of knife crime.
Listeners can expect to hear about the various activities and talks that were planned for the day, and find out more about a mock multi-hander knife murder trial that students would be taking part in.
Listen now to learn more about the efforts to combat knife crime and the positive impact of community engagement.
You can now also listen to the second instalment of this podcast, where you'll hear from some of those in attendance and again from Ian on how the event went on the day.
Listen to the latest episode now, available wherever you get your podcasts from!
A transcript of the podcast is also available.
[English] - [Cymraeg]
Dim Cyllyll: Y frwydr gymunedol yn erbyn troseddau gyda chyllyll (Rhan 1)
Mae ein pennod ddiweddaraf o Inside HMCTS yn archwilio i ddigwyddiad yn erbyn troseddau gyda chyllyll a gafodd effaith fawr yn Llys Ynadon San Steffan yn gynharach y mis hwn.
Yn rhan gyntaf y bennod hon, sydd mewn dwy ran, byddwn yn siarad gydag Ian Rawlins, Cynghorydd Cyfreithiol o Lundain, am yr ysbrydoliaeth tu ôl i’r digwyddiad a phwysigrwydd addysgu pobl ifanc am beryglon troseddau gyda chyllyll.
Gall gwrandawyr ddisgwyl clywed am y gweithgareddau amrywiol a’r sgyrsiau a baratowyd ar gyfer y diwrnod, a chanfod mwy am y ffug dreial llofruddiaeth gyda chyllyll gan nifer o bobl y byddai myfyrwyr yn cymryd rhan ynddo.
Gwrandewch nawr i ddysgu mwy am yr ymdrechion i frwydro yn erbyn troseddau gyda chyllyll a’r effaith gadarnhaol a ddaw o ymgysylltu â’r gymuned.
Gallwch chi nawr gwrando ar yr ail randaliad o'r podlediad hwn, lle byddwch yn clywed wrth rai a oedd yn bresennol ac eto wrth Ian ar sut aeth y digwyddiad ar y diwrnod.
Gwrandewch ar y bennod ddiweddaraf nawr, ar gael o ble bynnag rydych chi'n gwrando ar eich podlediadau!
Mae trawsgrifiad o'r podlediad ar gael yma hefyd.
1 comment
Comment by Mark Jones posted on
I have listened to this, and feel sad that the Court and the Youth Justice never seem to consider the Army Cadet Force found 1860. I have been an instructor for over 26 years now and have been working with youth all this time.
In the Cadets we teach discipline, many army subject, First Aid sports overseas trips and camps all round the UK.
Cadets meet twice a weeks and weekend camps as well as a 1 to 2 weeks camp each year.
There are youth group that Solicitors and court staff are instructors in but the court dose not seem to know about them or the youth offending team.
There have been cadets in the City of London since 1902.
There are also Air and Navy Cadets which the youth of London and the rest of the county could join.