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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

National Digital Practitioners Working Group meetings

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

Every month I plan and arrange the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group meetings. The meetings have 2 functions:

  • It is an opportunity for defence practitioners to let us know through their representative bodies about any digital issues they may be currently experiencing within the Criminal Justice system. I then work with colleagues across the different CJS agencies to resolve those issues either on a national or local level depending on the scale of the issue.
  • The second half of each meeting is used to showcase the latest developments within the CJS Common Platform Programme.

If you have subscribed to receive email alerts from the Inside HMCTS blog, you’ll receive an email invite each month to attend the showcase. You are welcome to attend in person or online, whichever you prefer.
Unfortunately, we are currently limited to 20 participants to view each showcase online. If we see an increase in demand we are happy to review this, so please do get in touch with me if you are interested in attending future showcase sessions.
Following each meeting I will produce a summary of the discussions topics and together with the presentation materials will be publishing them on the Inside HMCTS blog. This will enable those defence practitioners who are unable to attend/participate to see what was discussed and also have their say.

Working group representatives

The following organisations are invited to the working group meetings:-

  • Law Society
  • Bar Council
  • London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Institute of Barristers’ Clerks
  • Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association
  • Legal Aid Agency
  • Charted Institute of Legal Executives
  • Legal Aid Practitioner Group
  • Young Legal Aid Lawyers
  • Police Digital First Programme
  • CPS and
  • Probation.

If you think I have missed an organisation or relevant party please do let me know. If you have any questions, comments or ideas on how we can improve the way we work with defence practitioners, please let me know using the comments section at the bottom of this blog page or contact me by email.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Cyfarfodydd Gweithgor Cenedlaethol yr Ymarferwyr Digidol

Rwy’n cynllunio a threfnu cyfarfodydd Gweithgor Cenedlaethol yr Ymarferwyr Digidol bob mis. Mae gan y cyfarfodydd ddau bwrpas:

  • Mae’n gyfle i ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad rhoi gwybod i ni, trwy eu cyrff cynrychioladol, am unrhyw broblemau cyfredol y gallant fod yn eu cael gyda rhaglenni digidol o fewn y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol. Yna, rwy’n gweithio gyda chydweithwyr ar draws asiantaethau gwahanol y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol i ddatrys y broblem, naill ai ar lefel genedlaethol neu ar lefel leol, yn ddibynnol ar raddfa’r broblem.
  • Defnyddir ail ran bob cyfarfod i arddangos y datblygiadau diweddaraf o fewn Rhaglen Platfform Cyffredin y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol.

Os ydych chi wedi tanysgrifio i gael diweddariadau e-bost gan y blog 'Inside HMCTS', byddwch yn cael gwahoddiad bob mis i fynychu'r arddangosiad. Mae croeso i chi fynychu yn bersonol neu dros y we, pa bynnag un sydd orau gennych.
Yn anffodus, dim ond 20 cyfranogwr sy’n gallu gwylio pob sesiwn arddangos dros y we ar hyn o bryd. Os byddwn yn gweld cynnydd yn y galw am sesiynau byddwn yn hapus i adolygu hyn, felly cysylltwch â mi os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn mynychu sesiynau arddangos yn y dyfodol.
Yn dilyn pob cyfarfod byddaf yn creu crynodeb o'r pynciau trafod ynghyd â deunyddiau'r cyflwyniad, a byddaf yn eu cyhoeddi ar y blog 'Inside HMCTS'. Bydd hyn yn galluogi ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad hynny nad ydynt yn gallu mynychu/cymryd rhan i weld beth gafodd ei drafod a lleisio eu barn.

Cynrychiolwyr y Gweithgor

Gwahoddir y sefydliadau a ganlyn i gyfarfodydd y gweithgor:-

  • Cymdeithas y Cyfreithwyr
  • Cyngor y Bar
  • Cymdeithas Cyfreithwyr Llysoedd Troseddol Llundain, Cymdeithas y Bar Troseddol
  • Sefydliad Clercod y Bargyfreithwyr
  • Cymdeithas Cyfreithwyr y Gyfraith Droseddol
  • Yr Asiantaeth Cymorth Cyfreithiol
  • Sefydliad Siartredig y Gweithredwyr Cyfreithiol
  • Grŵp yr Ymarferwyr Cymorth Cyfreithiol
  • Cyfreithwyr Ifanc Cymorth Cyfreithiol
  • Rhaglen Digidol yn Gyntaf yr Heddlu
  • GLlTEM
  • Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron a'r
  • Gwasanaeth Prawf.

Os ydych chi’n meddwl fy mod i wedi anghofio sefydliad neu barti perthnasol rhowch wybod i mi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, sylwadau neu syniadau am sut y gallwn wella ein ffordd o weithio gydag ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad, rhowch wybod i mi gan ddefnyddio'r adran sylwadau ar waelod dudalen y blog hwn neu cysylltwch â mi trwy e-bost.

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  1. Comment by Jo King posted on

    Would it be sensible to publish a summary of the concerns raised and what action is being taken? This would enable those who are not able to be involved to understand what is being addressed, and might reassure them that issues are being resolved.

  2. Comment by Leanne Galbraith posted on

    Following each working group we will create a blog post which will include the issues that have been raised, what we have shown during the show and tell, a summary of the feedback we received and what will be happening at the next working group.

  3. Comment by Shelagh Lyth posted on


    I suspect you may need to involve people from Local Government Legal Departments including local authority prosecuting solicitors.

    There are local Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) Groups you can tap into.

    Let me know if you need any further information.

    Shelagh Lyth
    Prosecution Solicitor Blackburn Council and voluntary member of Law Society Criminal Law Committee

  4. Comment by Leanne Galbraith posted on


    Thank you for your suggestion, we’re keen to gain the perspective from as wide a range of legal representatives as possible. In addition to the working group, we'll take opportunities to involve other groups in contributing to thinking on the future criminal justice system.