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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Digital defence - two-factor authentication survey

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Court and tribunal reform, Crime, Digital services

[English] - [Cymraeg]

On 22 September 2016 I gave a presentation to the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group summarising interim findings of the two-factor authentication survey which I mentioned in my last blog post ‘Digital defence – Data security survey’. In summary the majority of practitioners have access to a smart phone, would be able and willing to install an app on their smart phone to provide an access code. Read my presentation in full below:

Survey Summary - Defence access and use of technology

The survey remains open until 17 October 2016. As such, if you are a member of the defence practitioner community, and you have not provided feedback you can still complete the survey. You can also use the comments section at the bottom of this blog page to feedback your thoughts on my presentation and what we think of the findings we have discovered so far.

We are also exploring alternative methods of two-factor authentication for those that don’t have access to a smart phone, such as a USB key and we would welcome your views on this as an alternative.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Amddiffyn digidol - arolwg broses dilysu dau ffactor

Ar 22 Medi 2016, rhoddais gyflwyniad i Weithgor Cenedlaethol yr Ymarferwyr Digidol, yn crynhoi canfyddiadau yr arolwg ar y broses dilysu dau ffactor hyd yma, soniais amdano yn fy mlog diwethaf 'Amddiffyn Digidol - Arolwg Diogelu Data'. Yn gryno, mae gan mwyafrif yr ymarferwyr fynediad at ffôn clyfar, a byddent yn gallu ac yn fodlon uwchlwytho ‘ap’ ar eu ffonau clyfar i gael cod mynediad. Dyma fy nghyflwyniad yn llawn isod:

Survey Summary - Defence access and use of technology

Bydd yr arolwg yn parhau i fod yn agored hyd 17 Hydref 2016. Gan hynny, os ydych yn aelod o gymuned ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad, ac nid ydych wedi rhoi adborth, gallwch dal lenwi'r arolwg. Gallwch hefyd ddefnyddio’r adran sylwadau ar waelod y blog hwn i rannu eich sylwadau chi ar fy nghyflwyniad a'ch barn am ein canfyddiadau hyd yma.

Rydym yn archwilio dulliau amgen i'r broses dilysu dau ffactor ar gyfer y rhai hynny nad oes ganddynt fynediad at ffôn clyfar, megis allwedd USB, a byddem yn croesawu eich barn am hwn fel dull amgen.

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