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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Adapting the single justice procedure for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

When the Single Justice Procedure (SJP) was first introduced in 2015, nobody could have foreseen how vital it would become just a few years later, supporting the justice system as it dealt with the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In March 2020, when much of the country was forced into necessary lockdown measures and many other services were temporarily paused because of COVID-19, the SJP continued to operate with minimal impact on delivery.

And when emergency legislation was introduced to create new offences in relation to breaching coronavirus regulations, we quickly adapted our systems to handle these cases when they started to arrive in the courts system from late spring 2020.

The Single Justice Procedure and remote working

The SJP, which was enacted through Parliamentary legislation and is applied by HMCTS, was set up to deal with simple, low-level, non-imprisonable cases delivered by the magistrates’ court. It is always the decision of the prosecutor, rather than HMCTS, to initiate proceedings in this way. Most of these cases result in a financial penalty, such as speeding, fare evasion on public transport and using a television without a licence - which can account for around 850,000 cases every year.

A case dealt with under SJP is decided in the same way as any other case in a magistrates’ court, except that it’s dealt with by a legal adviser sitting with a single magistrate out of court (rather than the usual bench of three). This reduces the amount of paper and forms required and minimises delay. It also frees up court time for those cases that can only be heard by a full bench, or in person.

However, the same legal tests are used as with any other case, and any defendant can ask for a court hearing if they wish. So, if a defendant decides that they want to ask for a trial, we move the case out of SJP to a conventional hearing. Equally, if a magistrate considers that a case started via the SJP should be heard in a physical court, then they may direct this as a judicial decision.

The technology that facilitates SJP, and the resilience of this, means we can deal with SJP work just as effectively while working remotely during the pandemic, without resulting in reduced performance. It has been crucial in maintaining access to justice, and also playing a role in reducing footfall in the magistrates’ court to keep people in our buildings safe.

New COVID-19 regulations

The arrival of the virus brought significant changes to the policing landscape, as a raft of new COVID-19 offences and regulations were introduced to help the police to support the public health response. These new regulations enabled the single justice service, of which SJP forms part, to step up and prove how flexible it could be in dealing with unpredicted circumstances, supporting its justice partners, and playing its role in keeping the justice system open.

In April 2020, HMCTS began to work with its partners in the police force, ACRO Criminal Records Office, Ministries of Justice and Defence, and the British Transport Police to consider a process for dealing with the new regulations using SJP.

The team at HMCTS revised the existing single justice procedure notice, adapting it for COVID-19 regulations and amended the internal tools to accommodate the new requirements, for both England and Wales. With various support mechanisms in place, such as working with local courts to deal with the new cases and training staff in a nominated Court and Tribunal Service Centre to deal with enquiries, HMCTS was able to start dealing with breaches of COVID regulations in July 2020.

The cases dealt with include breaches of face covering regulations, business premises unlawfully staying open or hospitality venues not sticking to table service rules, as well as hosting large gatherings.

Reflecting on the impact

Recovery plans for the wider justice system include reducing footfall in courts to ensure everyone’s safety. Mike Logan, HMCTS Service Manager for the Single Justice Service, commented on the contribution the service has made over the last few months:

We’re delighted to have been able to adapt our service to ease the burden on our justice partners and HMCTS colleagues.

Dealing with these breaches of COVID-19 regulations using the single justice procedure efficiently has meant that fewer people need to attend our magistrates’ courts and hearings can focus on the priority cases which we need to keep people safe and protect the vulnerable.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Murray, NPCC lead for criminal justice recovery and COVID-19 enforcement, added:

Collaborative working with HMCTS, Crown Prosecution Service and partner agencies has had a real impact on policing in challenging circumstances, as we responded to a rapidly-evolving situation and unprecedented measures to keep people safe during the pandemic.

Being able to use the single justice procedure to deal with breaches of the new regulations has meant that those COVID-19 breaches are enforced efficiently and swiftly, whilst enabling criminal courts to prioritise high risk of harm cases.

Maintaining open justice

We have also improved transparency in relation to SJP cases by providing pending lists online so the public can see what cases are being dealt with. Additionally, the media are sent more detailed lists of pending SJP cases and the results of these cases are also provided to them should they wish to report on them.

The media are also able to make requests, via the Court and Tribunal Service Centre, for copies of documents relating to any SJP cases as well.

The future of the single justice service

Work is now focused on completing the rollout of Common Platform, our new digital case management system, for Single Justice Procedure cases. We are already using Common Platform to handle SJP cases from Transport for London, TV Licensing and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. During 2021 and alongside the rollout of Common Platform for other criminal cases, we will roll out the use of Common Platform for police SJP cases, as well as non-police prosecutors including local authorities and transport companies.

Ultimately hearings will be more efficient, the administrative burden in preparing cases will reduce and magistrates (or legal advisers working under delegated powers) will be able to decide more cases or refer then for a hearing in court.

With the lessons learnt from adapting the service to COVID-19 requirements and its proven ability to scale up reactively, at short notice, the future is positive.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Addasu’r weithdrefn un ynad ar gyfer y Coronafeirws (COVID-19)

Pan gyflwynwyd y weithdrefn un ynad (SJP) am y tro cyntaf yn 2015, ni allai neb fod wedi rhagweld pa mor hanfodol y byddai dod ychydig flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach o ran cefnogi’r system gyfiawnder i ddelio ag effeithiau pandemig y coronafeirws (COVID-19).

Ym mis Mawrth 2020, pan orfodwyd llawer o'r wlad i ddilyn mesurau cyfyngiadau symud angenrheidiol a phan roddwyd stop ar lawer o wasanaethau eraill dros dro oherwydd COVID-19, roedd y system gyfiawnder ac yn enwedig y SJP yn gallu parhau i weithredu heb fawr o effaith andwyol.

A phan gyflwynwyd deddfwriaeth frys i greu troseddau newydd mewn perthynas â thorri rheoliadau coronafeirws, gwnaethom addasu ein systemau'n gyflym i ymdrin â'r achosion hyn pan ddechreuon nhw gyrraedd y system llysoedd o ddiwedd gwanwyn 2020 ymlaen.

Y Weithdrefn Un Ynad a gweithio o bell

Sefydlwyd yr SJP, a basiwyd drwy ddeddfwriaeth Seneddol ac a gymhwysir gan GLlTEM, i ddelio ag achosion syml, lefel isel, ble na ellir rhoi dedfryd o garchar yn y llys ynadon. Penderfyniad yr erlynydd bob amser, yn hytrach na GLlTEM, yw cychwyn achos fel hyn. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r achosion hyn yn arwain at gosb ariannol, fel goryrru, osgoi talu am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a defnyddio teledu heb drwydded - sy'n gallu cyfrif am tua 850,000 o achosion bob blwyddyn

Penderfynir ar achos yr ymdrinnir ag ef o dan SJP yn yr un modd ag unrhyw achos arall mewn llys ynadon, ac eithrio ei fod yn cael ei drin gan gynghorydd cyfreithiol sy'n eistedd gydag un ynad y tu allan i'r llys (yn hytrach na mainc o dri fel sy’n arferol). Mae hyn yn lleihau faint o bapur a ffurflenni sydd eu hangen, yn lleihau oedi. Bydd hefyd yn rhyddhau amser y llys ar gyfer yr achosion hynny na ellir ond eu gwrando gan fainc lawn, neu'n bersonol.

Fodd bynnag, defnyddir yr un profion cyfreithiol ag unrhyw achos arall, a gall unrhyw ddiffynnydd ofyn am wrandawiad llys os dymunant. Felly, os bydd diffynnydd yn penderfynu gofyn am dreial, gallwn symud yr achos o fod yn un SJP i fod yn wrandawiad confensiynol. Yn yr un ffordd, os yw ynad o'r farn y dylid gwrando achos a ddechreuwyd drwy SJP mewn llys corfforol, yna gallant ystyried hyn fel penderfyniad barnwrol.

Mae'r dechnoleg sy'n hwyluso SJP, a gwydnwch hyn, yn golygu y gallwn ddelio â gwaith SJP yr un mor effeithiol tra'n gweithio o bell yn ystod y pandemig, heb arwain at berfformiad salach. Bu'n hanfodol i gynnal mynediad at gyfiawnder, a hefyd chwarae rhan yn y gwaith o leihau nifer yr ymwelwyr yn y llys ynadon i gadw pobl yn ein hadeiladau'n ddiogel.

Rheoliadau COVID-19 newydd

Daeth y feirws â newidiadau sylweddol i'r tirlun plismona wrth i lu o droseddau a rheoliadau COVID-19 newydd gael eu cyflwyno i helpu'r heddlu i gefnogi ymateb iechyd y cyhoedd. Roedd y rheoliadau newydd hyn yn galluogi'r gwasanaeth un ynad, y mae SJP yn rhan ohono, i brofi pa mor hyblyg y gallai fod wrth ddelio ag amgylchiadau nas rhagwelwyd, cefnogi ei bartneriaid cyfiawnder, a chwarae ei rôl o ran cadw'r system gyfiawnder ar agor.

Ym mis Ebrill 2020, dechreuodd GLlTEM weithio gyda'i bartneriaid yn yr heddlu, Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol ACRO, y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder a’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn, a Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydain i ystyried proses ar gyfer ymdrin â'r rheoliadau newydd gan ddefnyddio SJP.

Diwygiodd y tîm yn GLlTEM yr hysbysiad gweithdrefn un ynad presennol, gan ei wneud yn addas ar gyfer rheoliadau COVID-19 a diwygio'r adnoddau mewnol i fodloni'r gofynion newydd, ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr. Gyda gwahanol fecanweithiau cymorth ar waith, megis gweithio gyda llysoedd lleol i ddelio â'r achosion newydd a hyfforddi staff mewn Canolfan Gwasanaeth Llysoedd a Thribiwnlysoedd enwebedig i ddelio ag ymholiadau, roedd GLlTEM yn gallu dechrau delio ag achosion o dorri rheoliadau COVID ym mis Gorffennaf 2020.

Mae'r achosion yr ymdrinnir â hwy yn cynnwys torri rheoliadau gorchudd wyneb, safleoedd busnes yn aros ar agor yn anghyfreithlon neu leoliadau lletygarwch nad ydynt yn glynu wrth reolau gwasanaeth bwrdd, yn ogystal â chaniatáu i grwpiau mawr o bobl ymgynnull.

Myfyrio ar yr effaith

Wrth i’r cynlluniau adfer ar gyfer y system gyfiawnder ehangach leihau ar nifer yr ymwelwyr yn y llysoedd er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch pawb, mi wnaeth Mike Logan, Rheolwr Gwasanaethau GLlTEM ar gyfer y Gwasanaeth Un Ynad, sylwadau ar y cyfraniad y mae wedi'i wneud dros y misoedd diwethaf:

Rydym yn falch iawn o fod wedi gallu addasu ein gwasanaeth i ysgafnhau'r baich ar ein partneriaid yn y system gyfiawnder a staff GLlTEM.
"Mae delio â'r achosion hyn o dorri rheoliadau COVID gan ddefnyddio'r weithdrefn un ynad yn effeithlon wedi golygu bod angen i lai o bobl fynychu ein llysoedd ynadon a gellir cynnal gwrandawiadau ar gyfer yr achosion brys hynny sydd eu hangen i gadw pobl yn ddiogel ac amddiffyn y rhai sy'n agored i niwed.

Ychwanegodd y Prif Gwnstabl Cynorthwyol Dros dro Stuart Murray, arweinydd NPCC ar gyfer adfer cyfiawnder troseddol a gorfodaeth COVID-19:

Mae cydweithio â GLlTEM, Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron ac asiantaethau partner wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar blismona mewn amgylchiadau heriol, wrth i ni ymateb i sefyllfa sy'n esblygu'n gyflym a mesurau digynsail i gadw pobl yn ddiogel yn ystod y pandemig.

Cynnal cyfiawnder agored

Rydym hefyd wedi gwella tryloywder mewn perthynas ag achosion o SJP drwy ddarparu rhestrau sy'n aros ar-lein fel y gall y cyhoedd weld pa achosion sy'n mynd ymlaen. Yn ogystal, anfonir rhestrau manylach o achosion SJP i'r cyfryngau a darperir canlyniadau'r achosion hyn iddynt hefyd os ydynt yn dymuno adrodd arnynt.

Mae'r cyfryngau hefyd yn gallu gwneud ceisiadau, drwy'r Ganolfan Gwasanaeth Llysoedd a Thribiwnlysoedd, am gopïau o ddogfennau sy'n ymwneud ag unrhyw achosion SJP hefyd.

Dyfodol y gwasanaeth un ynad

Bellach mae gwaith yn cael ei wneud i ganolbwyntio ar gwblhau'r dasg o gyflwyno’r Platfform Cyffredin, ein system rheoli achosion digidol newydd, ar gyfer achosion Gweithdrefn Un Ynad. Rydym eisoes yn defnyddio’r Platfform Cyffredin i ymdrin ag achosion SJP Transport for London, Trwyddedu Teledu a'r Asiantaeth Trwyddedu Gyrwyr a Cherbydau. Yn ystod 2021, ac ochr yn ochr â chyflwyno’r Platfform Cyffredin ar gyfer achosion troseddol eraill, byddwn yn cyflwyno defnyddio’r Platfform Cyffredin ar gyfer achosion SJP yr heddlu, yn ogystal ag erlynwyr nad ydynt yn heddlu gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol a chwmnïau trafnidiaeth.

Yn y pen draw, bydd gwrandawiadau'n fwy effeithlon, bydd y baich gweinyddol wrth baratoi achosion yn lleihau a bydd ynadon (neu gynghorwyr cyfreithiol sy'n gweithio o dan bwerau dirprwyedig) yn gallu penderfynu mwy o achosion neu eu cyfeirio wedyn at wrandawiad yn y llys.

Gyda'r gwersi a ddysgwyd o addasu'r gwasanaeth i ddibenion COVID-19 a'i allu i ymdopi'n adweithiol ar fyr rybudd, mae'r dyfodol yn gadarnhaol iawn.

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