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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Reducing the heat: what to expect from our online divorce service

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Court and tribunal reform, Family, Podcast

[English] - [Cymraeg]

In the first episode of the new Inside HMCTS podcast, we discuss the benefits of a modernised divorce process.

Since 2016, HMCTS has been transforming court services after the government invested £1.3 billion into the reform of our justice system.

Hear from those working behind the scenes who help deliver a modernised online divorce process, and from those who have used the service on what to expect.

Listen to the latest episode now, available wherever you get your podcasts from!






A transcript of the podcast is also available.


[English] - [Cymraeg]

Lleihau'r baich: beth i'w ddisgwyl gan ein gwasanaeth ysgariad ar-lein

Ym mhennod gyntaf podlediad newydd Inside HMCTS, rydym yn trafod manteision y broses ysgariad wedi'i moderneiddio.

Ers 2016, mae GLlTEF wedi bod yn trawsnewid gwasanaethau llysoedd ar ôl i'r llywodraeth fuddsoddi £1.3 biliwn i ddiwygio ein system gyfiawnder.

Cewch glywed gan y rhai sy'n gweithio yn y cefndir sy'n helpu i gyflwyno proses ysgariad ar-lein wedi'i moderneiddio, a chan y rhai sydd wedi defnyddio'r gwasanaeth ar beth i'w ddisgwyl.

Gwrandewch ar y bennod ddiweddaraf nawr, lle bynnag yr ydych yn gwrando ar bodlediadau!






Mae trawsgrifiad o'r podlediad hefyd ar gael yma.

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  1. Comment by Zak Coldicutt posted on

    Beyond amazing team work at HMCTS, this podcast experience is smart also clear, and informative.

    • Replies to Zak Coldicutt>

      Comment by ljones1 posted on

      Hi Zak, thanks for your feedback. We’re glad to hear you enjoyed the first episode.

  2. Comment by Andrea Stubbington posted on

    Will have a listen tomorrow

  3. Comment by Chandan Kaur posted on

    Posted on my LinkedIn :). Great initiative to spread the message on how Reform benefits everyone.