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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Neurodiversity and remote hearings

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Court and tribunal reform, Podcast

[English] - [Cymraeg]

In our latest episode, we're focusing on an important and timely topic – making courts and tribunals more accessible for neurodivergent people.

Neurodiversity, expresses the diverse ways people think, interpret, and process information, and it is at the forefront of our efforts to ensure justice is accessible to everyone.

Our host, Liz Bryant, talks to Nicky Reynolds, Deputy Director of the Future Hearings Programme, and Adam Micklethwaite, Director of The Autism Alliance.

Nicky sheds light on what neurodiversity is and the different needs neurodivergent people can have, it’s clear there’s no one size fits all.

As they discuss remote hearings - conducted online with participants in different locations - the podcast explores the ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility for neurodivergent people within the justice system.

Adam shares insights into autism, highlighting the individual nature of the experience. They delve into the challenges autistic people may face in accessing justice, emphasising the importance of an inclusive society. The discussion then turns to HMCTS's Video Hearing Service, a bespoke solution designed for remote participation, and Adam provides valuable feedback on its potential benefits and areas for improvement.

As they explore the broader landscape of neurodivergence, the conversation emphasises the need for user-centered design, active engagement with neurodivergent communities, and meticulous preparation to create an inclusive and accessible justice system.

Join us in this insightful dialogue, as we work towards a future where everyone can access justice with ease and dignity.

Listen to the latest episode now, available wherever you get your podcasts from!






A transcript of the podcast is also available.


[English] - [Cymraeg]

Niwroamrywiaeth a gwrandawiadau o bell

Yn ein pennod diweddaraf, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar bwnc pwysig ac amserol – gwneud llysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd yn fwy hygyrch i bobl niwroamrywiol.

Mae niwroamrywiaeth yn mynegi’r ffyrdd amrywiol y mae pobl yn meddwl, yn dehongli ac yn prosesu gwybodaeth, ac mae ar flaen ein hymdrechion i sicrhau bod cyfiawnder yn hygyrch i bawb.

Mae ein gwesteiwr, Liz Bryant, yn siarad â Nicky Reynolds, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Gwrandawiadau’r Dyfodol, ac Adam Micklethwaite, Cyfarwyddwr The Autism Alliance.

Mae Nicky yn taflu goleuni ar beth yw niwroamrywiaeth a’r gwahanol anghenion y gall pobl niwroamrywiol eu cael, mae’n amlwg nad oes un ateb i bawb.

Wrth iddynt drafod gwrandawiadau o bell – a gynhelir ar-lein gyda chyfranogwyr mewn gwahanol leoliadau – mae'r podlediad yn archwilio'r ymdrechion parhaus i wella hygyrchedd i bobl niwroamrywiol o fewn y system gyfiawnder.

Mae Adam yn rhannu mewnwelediad i awtistiaeth, gan amlygu natur unigol y profiad. Maent yn ymchwilio i’r heriau y gall pobl awtistig eu hwynebu wrth gael mynediad at gyfiawnder, gan bwysleisio pwysigrwydd cymdeithas gynhwysol. Mae’r drafodaeth wedyn yn troi at Wasanaeth Gwrandawiadau Fideo GLlTEF, datrysiad pwrpasol sydd wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer cyfranogiad o bell, ac mae Adam yn rhoi adborth gwerthfawr ar ei fanteision posibl a meysydd i’w gwella.

Wrth iddynt archwilio darlun ehangach niwroamrywiaeth, mae'r sgwrs yn pwysleisio'r angen am ddyluniad sy'n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr, ymgysylltu gweithredol â chymunedau niwroamrywiol, a gwaith paratoi manwl i greu system gyfiawnder gynhwysol a hygyrch.

Ymunwch â ni yn y ddeialog dreiddgar hon, wrth i ni weithio tuag at ddyfodol lle gall pawb gael mynediad at gyfiawnder yn rhwydd a chydag urddas.

Defnyddiwch y bysellau saeth i fyny/i lawr i gynyddu neu leihau’r sain.

Gwrandewch ar y bennod ddiweddaraf nawr, ar gael o ble bynnag rydych chi'n gwrando ar eich podlediadau!






Mae trawsgrifiad o'r podlediad ar gael yma hefyd.

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  1. Comment by Uthpal Kishore Das posted on

    Justice for each and everyone around the whole world.

  2. Comment by Holly posted on

    Hello, I'm an intermediary working for Communicourt. We've worked with many neurodivergent service users in CVP hearings, sometimes using the 'intermediary room' function (which has a number of limitations it would be great to address), sometimes without. We'd love to provide some feedback. Please do contact us, if this would be of assistance. Kind regards!