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Global Effort: Ensuring justice for all

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

In this episode of Inside HMCTS, we delve into the recent OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Global Roundtable on Access to Justice held in Ottawa, Canada. Join us as we explore the innovative approaches and practical strategies that are improving access to justice worldwide.

Our special guest, Luc Altmann, Head of Insight at HMCTS, discusses his presentation on measuring and improving access to justice in court services and how the UK is leading the way with a data driven, user-centered approach that’s setting new standards globally.

We also hear from representatives from the World Justice Project, and the OECD, who provide their perspectives on the importance of people-centered justice and the impact of international collaboration.

Tune in to learn about the challenges and successes in making court services more inclusive and effective, and how these efforts are shaping the future of justice systems around the world.

Listen to the latest episode now, available wherever you get your podcasts from!





A transcript of the podcast is also available.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Ymdrech Byd-eang: Sicrhau cyfiawnder i bawb

Yn y bennod hon o Inside HMCTS, rydym yn trafod digwyddiad diweddar yr OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) sef Cyfarfod o Amgylch y Bwrdd ar Fynediad at Gyfiawnder, a gynhaliwyd yn Ottawa, Canada. Ymunwch â ni wrth i ni archwilio i ddulliau arloesol a strategaethau ymarferol sy’n gwella mynediad at gyfiawnder ledled y byd.

Mae ein gwestai arbennig, Luc Altmann, Pennaeth Mewnwelediad yn GLlTEF, yn trafod ei gyflwyniad ar fesur a gwella mynediad at gyfiawnder yng ngwasanaethau llys a sut mae’r DU yn arwain y ffordd gyda dull sydd wedi’i llywio gan ddata ac sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddwyr, sy’n pennu safonau newydd ledled y byd.

Rydym hefyd am glywed gan gynrychiolwyr o Brosiect Cyfiawnder y Byd (World Justice Project) a’r OECD, sy’n rhoi eu safbwyntiau ar bwysigrwydd cyfiawnder sy’n canolbwyntio ar bobl ac effaith cydweithio rhyngwladol.

Dewch i wrando a dysgu am yr heriau a’r llwyddiannau wrth wneud gwasanaethau llys yn fwy cynhwysol ac effeithiol, a sut mae’r ymdrechion hyn yn siapio dyfodol systemau cyfiawnder ledled y byd.

Gwrandewch ar y bennod ddiweddaraf nawr, ar gael o ble bynnag rydych chi'n gwrando ar eich podlediadau!





Mae trawsgrifiad o'r podlediad ar gael yma hefyd.

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