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Introduction to CJS Common Platform Programme

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

We’ve got one of the best legal systems in the world, but it’s crucial we move with the times and make best use of new technologies to deliver swifter and more efficient justice. In today’s digital world people routinely use and have come to expect simple and easy to use online systems for banking, insurance and even government services. This provides us with huge opportunities to speed up and simplify our courts and tribunals. We’ve already made some great developments bur there’s still more work to be done.

Our Vision

We’ve developed the video (below) that outlines how the CJS Common Platform Programme is designing and delivering a shared process to transform the way practitioners in the criminal justice system work. This will benefit everyone who comes into contact with the criminal justice system, including judiciary, victims and witnesses, defendants and justice professionals.

What is the common platform

We are replacing the existing HMCTS and CPS case management systems with a single system providing access to all the material necessary to deal with cases efficiently and effectively. Instead of material being passed from one agency to another – sometimes digitally, often in hardcopy – everything will be available from a single central source. This will hold the latest, most complete version of the case material and can be accessed by everyone who needs to, from almost anywhere, at any time.

How are delivering change

Learning from best practice in the private and public sectors we have adopted the government’s IT strategy, to use ‘agile methodology’. This puts the people who will use the system at the centre of the design process, with users helping to design the business processes and prioritise the software development and having the opportunity to frequently validate what we produce and seeing it adapted, based on feedback.

The outgoing American President said that “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time”. Can I encourage you to look at the attached video, and through your skills, knowledge and energy get involved in making sure that effective change happens in the criminal justice system? We’ll use this blog to keep you informed of developments and programme progress and ways in which people can get involved. If you want more information about CPP please contact me direct or via this blog.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Mae gennym un o’r systemau cyfreithiol gorau yn y byd, ond mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn symud ymlaen gyda’r oes ac yn manteisio i’r eithaf ar dechnolegau newydd er mwyn darparu cyfiawnder yn gyflymach ac yn fwy effeithlon. Yn y byd digidol sydd ohoni, mae pobl yn defnyddio ac yn disgwyl cael defnyddio systemau ar-lein syml a hawdd eu defnyddio yn rheolaidd ar gyfer bancio, yswiriant a hyd yn oed gwasanaethau’r llywodraeth. Mae hyn yn golygu bod gennym nifer o gyfleoedd i gyflymu a symleiddio ein llysoedd a’n tribiwnlysoedd. Rydym wedi datblygu rhai pethau gwych yn barod, ond mae mwy i'w wneud o hyd.

Ein Gweledigaeth

Rydyn ni wedi datblygu’r fideo (isod) sy’n amlinellu sut mae Rhaglen Platfform Cyffredin y SCT yn cynllunio ac yn darparu proses ar y cyd o drawsnewid y ffordd y mae ymarferwyr y system cyfiawnder troseddol yn gweithio. Bydd hyn o fudd i bawb sy’n dod i gysylltiad â’r system cyfiawnder troseddol, gan gynnwys barnwyr, dioddefwyr a thystion, diffynyddion a gweithiwr cyfiawnder proffesiynol.

Beth yw’r llwyfan cyffredin

Rydyn ni’n newid systemau rheoli achosion presennol GLITEM a Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron am un system sy’n cynnig mynediad i’r holl ddeunydd sy’n angenrheidiol er mwyn delio ag achosion yn effeithlon ac yn effeithiol. Yn lle trosglwyddo deunydd o un asiantaeth i un arall - yn ddigidol weithiau, fel copi papur yn aml - bydd popeth ar gael mewn un ffynhonnell ganolog. Bydd yn cynnwys y fersiwn diweddaraf a mwyaf cyflawn o ddeunydd yr achos a bydd pawb sydd angen ei weld yn gallu cael mynediad ato, o unrhyw le bron, ar unrhyw adeg.

Sut rydyn ni’n cyflawni newid

Gan ddysgu oddi wrth arfer gorau yn y sectorau preifat a chyhoeddus, rydyn ni wedi mabwysiadu strategaeth TG y Llywodraeth ar gyfer defnyddio ‘methodoleg hyblyg’. Mae hyn yn gosod y bobl a fydd yn defnyddio'r system yn ganolog yn y broses gynllunio, gyda defnyddwyr yn helpu i gynllunio’r prosesau busnes a rhoi blaenoriaeth i ddatblygu meddalwedd a chael cyfle i ddilysu’r hyn rydyn ni’n ei gynhyrchu’n aml a’i weld yn cael ei addasu, yn seiliedig ar adborth.

Dywedodd yr Arlywydd sydd ar fin ildio’r awenau yn America, “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time”. Hoffwn eich annog chi i edrych ar y fideo sydd wedi’i hatodi, a thrwy eich sgiliau, eich gwybodaeth a’ch egni, ewch ati i gymryd rhan gan wneud yn siŵr bod newid effeithiol yn digwydd yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r blog yma i roi gwybodaeth gyson i chi am ddatblygiadau a chynnydd y rhaglen a sut gall pobl gymryd rhan. Os ydych chi eisiau mwy o wybodaeth am y Rhaglen Platfform Cyffredin, cysylltwch â fi yn uniongyrchol neu gan ddefnyddio'r blog yma.

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  1. Comment by Rob posted on

    What does CJS stand for?

  2. Comment by HMCTS Digital Communications Team posted on

    Hi Rob

    CJS stands for the Criminal Justice System.


  3. Comment by nick posted on

    why can`t the cases be put in folder which can be unlock as the trail proceeds and this folder can be access by a jury and any questions of concerns can be looked at before a verdict

  4. Comment by Neil Carne posted on

    Thank you for your thoughts. We have looked at various ways to provide information digitally to Jurors. The provision of in-court screens, that allows prosecution and defence to display their evidence, is part of this solution and in some particularly complex trials the use of tablet devices has be tried on a number of occasions. However, we are not sure we have yet found the right technical and business process solution to be able to provide all jurors (whatever their technical ability) with easy access to a digital bundle of documents. We need to think about the type of device the user would be given, the time that would be taken up teaching them how to use it and the way that we would provide jurors with information when they needed it rather than in one big file (so they can find what they are looking for easily). It is our intention to move towards a largely digital in-court environment, but we have to do that in a way that supports users, ensures effective justice processes and is cost-effective. We will continue to review Juror access to information to ensure it meets user needs.