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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Digital defence - NDPW Group meeting 27 October 2016

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

At the National Digital Practitioners Working (NDPW) meeting on 27 October we showed a video of the working software that has been created for the prosecution.

The video is still very much work in progress. The screens and functionality continue to be refined and updated as we receive more feedback from the charging lawyers who will use the Common Platform.

Charging lawyers in Merseyside CPS will start using the system in January 2017 for a small number of cases which will allow us to test the business process and the technical components of the system with live data.

Feedback from show and tell

During the show and tell session on 27 October it was suggested the designs of the common platform are very similar to the GOV.UK website. We have used Government Digital Service page templates to provide consistent designs and features.

It was also highlighted that we need to carefully consider complex cases with large volumes of multi-media and co-defendants. Material held within the system should not be duplicated and evidence should be available as a single download to make it easier for practitioners to send the information to their clients.

All this information is extremely helpful and we will use it to help design the system and improve current ways of working. If any defence practitioners have additional comments please let me know using the comments function at the bottom of this page.

Probation service operating model

Jamie-Ann Edwards from the Probation Service gave the following presentation on the Probation Services new operating model


Some observations reported were:

  • It was requested pre -sentence reports that are ready should be uploaded into the Crown Court Digital Case System prior to the hearing. The Probation representative and Criminal Law Solicitors Association representative are now in contact with each other and are looking at possible solutions. An update will be provided at a later date.
  • There are some offence codes missing from the Claim for Crown Court Defence service. This is now being looked at by the team and the recommendation is to report any issues using the feedback link within the service. A screenshot of where this is below.


If you have any comments, suggestions, ideas, please get in touch with me.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Amddiffyn Digidol: Cyfarfod Gweithgor Cenedlaethol yr Ymarferwyr Digidol, 27 Hydref 2016

Yng Nghyfarfod Gweithgor Cenedlaethol yr Ymarferwyr Digidol a gynhaliwyd ar 27 Hydref, fe ddangosom fideo o'r feddalwedd weithredol a grëwyd ar gyfer yr erlyniad.

Mae’r gwaith fideo yn dal i fynd rhagddo. Mae’r sgriniau ac ymarferoldeb y fideo yn parhau i gael eu mireinio a’u diweddaru wrth inni gael mwy o adborth gan gyfreithwyr sy’n penderfynu ar gyhuddiadau a fydd yn defnyddio’r
Platfform Cyffredin.

Bydd cyfreithwyr sy’n penderfynu ar gyhuddiadau yng Ngwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron Glannau Mersi yn dechrau defnyddio’r system ym mis Ionawr 2017 ar gyfer nifer fach o achosion, a fydd yn ein caniatáu i brofi’r broses fusnes ac elfennau technegol y system gyda data byw.

Adborth o’r sesiwn dangos a dweud

Yn ystod y sesiwn dangos a dweud ar 27 Hydref, awgrymwyd bod dyluniadau’r platfform cyffredin yn debyg iawn i wefan GOV.UK. Rydym wedi defnyddio templedi o dudalennau Gwasanaeth Digidol y Llywodraeth i ddarparu cynlluniau a nodweddion cyson.

Pwysleisiwyd hefyd bod angen inni ystyried achosion cymhleth gyda nifer fawr o ddeunydd amlgyfrwng a chyd-ddiffynyddion yn ofalus. Ni ddylid dyblygu’r deunydd a gedwir o fewn y system, a dylai bod tystiolaeth ar gael i’w lawrlwytho unwaith i’w gwneud yn haws i ymarferwyr i anfon y wybodaeth at eu cleientiaid.

Mae’r holl wybodaeth hon yn ddefnyddiol iawn a byddwn yn ei defnyddio i helpu i ddylunio’r system a gwella ffyrdd cyfredol o weithio. Os oes gan unrhyw gyfreithiwr yr amddiffyniad sylwadau ychwanegol, rhowch wybod imi drwy ddefnyddio’r adran sylwadau ar waelod y dudalen hon.

Model Gweithredu’r Gwasanaeth Prawf

Rhoddodd Jamie-Ann Edwards o’r Gwasanaeth Prawf y cyflwyniad canlynol ar fodel gweithredu newydd y Gwasanaeth Prawf


Rhai sylwadau a nodwyd oedd:

  • Gwnaed cais y dylai adroddiadau cyn dedfrydu sy’n barod gael eu llwytho i fyny i System Ddigidol Achosion Llys y Goron cyn y gwrandawiad. Mae cynrychiolydd o’r Gwasanaeth Prawf a chynrychiolydd o Gymdeithas Cyfreithwyr y Gyfraith Droseddol bellach mewn cysylltiad â’i gilydd ac yn edrych ar atebion posibl. Darperir diweddariad maes o law.
  • ae rhai codau trosedd ar goll o’r Hawliad ar gyfer Gwasanaeth Amddiffyn Llys y Goron. Mae hyn bellach yn cael ei ystyried gan y tîm a’r argymhelliad yw cofnodi unrhyw broblemau drwy ddefnyddio’r ddolen adborth o fewn y gwasanaeth. Gweler llun o’r sgrin hwn isod


Os oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau, awgrymiadau, neu syniadau, mae croeso ichi gysylltu â mi.

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