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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

CJS Common Platform Programme Defence Awareness Days

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

The CJS Common Platform will change the way we share information across the Criminal Justice System – do you want to know more? How it will impact you? How you can get involved in shaping the services that will be available to you?

Along with colleagues from the Common Platform Team, I will be running a series of drop-in sessions from September to November 2017 for defence practitioners to find out more about the Common Platform.

At the sessions defence practitioners, will find out what the Common Platform is, how it will evolve in the future and how we are building it. The sessions will also include how you can get involved and, importantly, what it means for you as a defence practitioner.

Want to come along to a session

We will be available in the courts listed in the table below from 9.30am each day. The drop-in sessions will also include a presentation about the Common Platform at 1pm and 4pm on each day. You don’t need to book, just come along on one of the days listed below.

Defence day drop-in session schedule

Location Date
Bradford Magistrates Court 5 September
Bradford Crown Court 8 September
South East Northumberland Magistrates Court

Reading Crown Court

11 September
Teesside Magistrates’ Court

Oxford Magistrates’ Court

12 September
Newcastle Magistrates’ Court

Oxford Crown Court

13 September
Teesside Crown Court 14 September
Newcastle Crown Court 15 September
Reading Magistrates Court 18 September
Blackpool Magistrates Court 20 September
Preston Magistrates Court 21 September
Preston Crown Court

Birmingham Crown Court

22 September


Wolverhampton Crown Court 25 September
Birmingham Magistrates Court 26 September
Cardiff Crown Court 29 September
Blackburn Magistrates Court

Maidstone Magistrates Court

5 October
Manchester Crown Court

Maidstone Crown Court

6 October
Manchester Magistrates Court 10 October

11 October

Lewes Crown Court 11 October
Basildon Crown Court 12 October
Walsall Magistrates Court 13 October
Medway Magistrates Court 17 October
Hove Crown Court 25 October
Cardiff Magistrates Court 28 November


Please look out for posters in the courts listed above on each day to locate where the drop-in sessions will be held in the building.

The presentation materials from the drop-in sessions will also be available on the InsideHMCTS blog for defence practitioners to discuss with colleagues about what you have heard. To make sure you know when they have been published, please sign up to the Crime, Digital and Transformation email alerts.

If you have any feedback on our plans or would like to know more, please contact me by email or leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Platfform Cyffredin y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol - Diwrnodau Ymwybyddiaeth i’r Amddiffyniad

Bydd Platfform Cyffredin y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol yn newid y ffordd byddwn yn rhannu gwybodaeth ar draws y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol – ydych chi eisiau cael gwybod mwy? Sut y bydd yn effeithio arnoch chi? Sut gallwch chi chwarae rhan yn ffurfio’r gwasanaethau fydd ar gael ichi?

Ynghyd â chydweithwyr o’r Tîm Platfform Cyffredin, byddaf yn cynnal cyfres o sesiynau galw i mewn ym mis Medi a mis Tachwedd 2017 er mwyn i ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad ganfod mwy am y Platfform Cyffredin.

Yn y sesiynau, bydd ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad yn canfod beth yw’r Platfform Cyffredin, sut y bydd yn datblygu yn y dyfodol a sut ydym yn ei adeiladu. Bydd y sesiynau hefyd yn trafod sut y gallwch chwarae rhan ac, yn bwysig iawn, beth y mae'n ei olygu i chi fel ymarferydd yr amddiffyniad.

Eisiau dod i un o’r sesiynau

Byddwn ar gael yn y llysoedd a nodir yn y tabl isod o 9.30 bob diwrnod. Bydd y sesiynau galw i mewn hefyd yn cynnwys cyflwyniad am y Platfform Cyffredin am 1pm a 4pm bob diwrnod. Nid oes rhaid i chi archebu lle, gallwch benderfynu dod ar unrhyw un o'r dyddiau isod.

Amserlen y Sesiynau Ymwybyddiaeth i’r Amddiffyniad

Lleoliad Dyddiad
Llys Ynadon Bradford 5 Medi
Llys y Goron Bradford 8 Medi
Llys Ynadon De Ddwyrain Northumberland

Llys y Goron Reading

11 Medi
Llys Ynadon Teesside

Llys Ynadon Rhydychen

12 Medi
Llys Ynadon Newcastle

Llys y Goron Rhydychen

13 Medi
Llys y Goron Teesside 14 Medi
Llys y Goron Newcastle 15 Medi
Llys Ynadon Reading 18 Medi
Llys Ynadon Blackpool 20 Medi
Llys Ynadon Preston 21 Medi
Llys y Goron Preston

Llys y Goron Birmingham

22 Medi


Llys y Goron Wolverhampton 25 Medi
Llys Ynadon Birmingham 26 Medi
Llys y Goron Caerdydd 29 Medi
Llys Ynadon Blackburn

Llys Ynadon Maidstone

5 Hydref
Llys y Goron Manceinion

Llys y Goron Maidstone

6 Hydref
Llys Ynadon Manceinion 10 Hydref

11 Hydref

Llys y Goron Lewes 11 Hydref
Llys y Goron Basildon 12 Hydref
Llys Ynadon Walsall 13 Hydref
Llys Ynadon Medway 17 Hydref
Llys y Goron Hove 25 Hydref
Llys Ynadon Caerdydd 28 Tachwedd


hwiliwch am bosteri yn y llysoedd a nodir uchod ar y diwrnod perthnasol i ganfod ble yn yr adeilad fydd y sesiynau galw i mewn yn cael eu cynnal.

Bydd deunydd y cyflwyniad o’r sesiynau galw i mewn hefyd ar gael ar y Blog InsideHMCTS hefyd, er mwyn i ymarferwyr yr amddiffyniad drafod yr hyn maent wedi’i glywed gyda chydweithwyr. Cofrestrwch i gael hysbysiadau trwy e-bost gan yr adrannau Troseddol, Digidol a Thrawsnewid, i sicrhau eich bod yn cael gwybod pan fyddant wedi’u cyhoeddi.

Os oes gennych unrhyw adborth am ein cynlluniau neu os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth, yna cysylltwch â mi trwy e-bost neu gadewch sylw ar waelod y dudalen hon.

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  1. Comment by Hilda Amoo-Gottfried posted on

    Why is there no date for anywhere in London?

    • Replies to Hilda Amoo-Gottfried>

      Comment by Leanne Galbraith posted on

      Thank you for your comment. We decided to concentrate the Awareness Days in areas where we haven’t held previous research and events. The Common Platform Programme is based in Croydon, our Defence showcases take place each month at Rose Court, Southwark Bridge. We have shadowed a number of lawyers in London courts and work with each of the bodies who represent defence practitioners including the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association. Depending on the success of these sessions we will look to set up more and will continue to conduct user research with lawyers in London.