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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Enhancing video capability across HMCTS

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Court and tribunal reform, Crime, Digital services

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Hello, I’m Fiona Salih, Project Manager for Common Technology Services. I’m writing this blog to confirm the great news that the Video Upgrade Programme has reach an important milestone. As of 15 July 2016, we’ll have installed and/or upgraded video conferencing equipment in over 350 court rooms across the HMCTS estate.

What has been done

The main outcome of the project was to deliver a more modern and reliable video conferencing service for people working within the Criminal Justice System. Benefits to our users include increased:

  • availability of booths for defence lawyers
  • availability of rooms for witnesses (including vulnerable and intimidated witnesses) both within court building and remotely at non court locations.
  • capacity to have hearings via video where the defendant is in custody saving on prisoner transportation

How did we do this

I’m pleased to say that my project team delivered this on time and to budget. Working alongside our suppliers: Vodafone, Pinnaca and Involve, an additional 223 Video endpoints across both England and Wales have been transitioned onto the court and prison network: the Justice Video Service (JVS).

Group of people standing in front of plasma screen
Pictured left to right: Fiona Salih; Anthia Rogers; Deborah Hurley; David Butcher; Steve Wallace and Alan Hutchings

A further 119 endpoints have also been upgraded to provide a higher quality service. This involved visiting 367 court rooms across 134 sites and in many cases upgrading display screens and other hardware. In order to minimise disruption to the courts, we often worked out of court hours and in many instances through the night to prepare and install the courtrooms in readiness for users the next day. We also partnered with the ClickShare deployment on 94 court rooms to reduce our impact on court listings. This project could not have been delivered without the efforts of all of our suppliers and the flexibility of all those involved in allowing the team to access the sites, including site contacts and our regional IT managers.

What did we learn

Like all projects there were challenges and this one was no different. We found that each court had its own unique challenges whether this was technical cable runs, flooding or listed building consent. Each court had to be individually surveyed and a bespoke solution designed to ensure that the best service was secured. Throughout this project the most valuable lesson that we learned was that without the collaboration of all those involved this project would never have been delivered on time and within budget.

What is next

There are still some smaller HMCTS sites needing upgrades to their video equipment and work on those locations are planned to start in 2017. If you’d like more information please don’t hesitate to send me an email or comment on this post below.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Gwella defnydd fideo ar draws GLlTEM

Helo, Fiona Salih ydw i, sef y Rheolwr Prosiect ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Technoleg Gyffredin. Rwy’n ysgrifennu’r blog hwn i gadarnhau’r newyddion gwych bod y Rhaglen Uwchraddio Fideo wedi cyrraedd carreg filltir bwysig. O’r 15 Gorffennaf 2016 ymlaen, byddwn wedi gosod a/neu uwchraddio offer cynadledda fideo mewn dros 350 o ystafelloedd llys ar draws yr ystad GLlTEM.

Beth sydd wedi cael ei wneud

Prif ganlyniad y prosiect oedd darparu gwasanaeth cynadledda fideo mwy modern a dibynadwy i bobl sy’n gweithio o fewn y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol. Ymhlith y buddion i’n defnyddwyr oedd:

  • bod bythod ar gael i gyfreithwyr yr amddiffyniad
  • bod ystafelloedd ar gael i dystion (gan gynnwys tystion bregus ac ofnus) o fewn adeilad y llys ac o bell mewn safleoedd nad ydynt yn llysoedd
  • eu bod yn gallu cynnal gwrandawiadau trwy gyswllt fideo pan fo’r diffynnydd yn y ddalfa, gan arbed ar gludo’r carcharor

Sut gwnaethom ni hyn

Rwy’n falch o ddweud bod fy nhîm prosiect wedi cyflawni hyn ar amser ac o fewn y gyllideb. Gan weithio ochr yn ochr â’n cyflenwyr: Vodafone, Pinnaca ac Involve, mae 223 o bwyntiau cyswllt fideo ychwanegol ar draws Cymru a Lloegr wedi cael eu trosglwyddo i rwydwaith y llysoedd a’r carchardai: Y Gwasanaeth Fideo Cyfiawnder (JVS).

Mae 119 o bwyntiau eraill hefyd wedi’i huwchraddio i ddarparu gwasanaeth o safon uwch. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys ymweld â 367 o ystafelloedd llys ar draws 134 safle ac mewn llawer o achosion, uwchraddio sgriniau arddangos a chaledwedd arall. Er mwyn lleihau’r ymyrraeth ar y llysoedd, fuon ni’n aml yn gweithio y tu allan i oriau’r llys ac mewn sawl achos trwy'r nos i baratoi a gosod yr ystafelloedd llys yn barod i ddefnyddwyr y diwrnod canlynol. Fuon ni'n gweithio hefyd mewn partneriaeth â’r prosiect cyflwyno ClickShare ar 94 ystafell llys i leihau ein heffaith ar restrau’r llys. Ni fyddai’r prosiect wedi ei gyflawni heb ymdrechion ein holl gyflenwyr a hyblygrwydd pawb oedd yn rhan o’r prosiect, gan roi mynediad i'r safleoedd i’r tîm, gan gynnwys cysylltiadau safle a'n rheolwyr TG rhanbarthol.

Be’ ddysgon ni

Fel bob un prosiect, roedd yna heriau, ac nid oedd hwn yn wahanol. Canfuom fod gan bob llys ei heriau unigryw ei hun, megis yr angen i osod ceblau newydd i’r dechnoleg, llifogydd neu ganiatâd adeilad rhestredig. Roedd rhaid cynnal arolwg unigol o bob llys a dylunio datrysiad pwrpasol i sicrhau’r gwasanaeth gorau. Trwy gydol y prosiect hwn, y wers fwyaf gwerthfawr ddysgon ni oedd heb gydweithrediad pawb oedd yn chwarae rhan, ni fyddai'r prosiect hwn wedi’i gyflawni ar amser ac o fewn y gyllideb.

Be' nesaf

Mae offer fideo mewn rhai safleoedd llai GLlTEM dal angen cael eu huwchraddio, a bydd gwaith yn cychwyn yn y safleoedd hynny yn 2017 i fod. Os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth, anfonwch e-bost ataf neu wneud sylw am y blog hwn isod.

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