Modernising courts and tribunals: what we've achieved and learned

As the HMCTS reform programme formally concludes, Nick Goodwin reflects on its achievements, benefits to users, and plans for future modernisation of courts and tribunals.
As the HMCTS reform programme formally concludes, Nick Goodwin reflects on its achievements, benefits to users, and plans for future modernisation of courts and tribunals.
HMCTS CEO Nick Goodwin outlines adjustments to the Reform Programme to boost efficiency and functionality of our existing technology, as well as provide a more consistent and reliable service for public and professional users.
As 2023 comes to a close, our Chief Executive Officer Nick Goodwin, reflects on some of the achievements and challenges that this year has brought.
Nick Goodwin, CEO of HMCTS, provides an update on the progress and performance within our criminal courts.
Our CEO Nick Goodwin gives an update on our reform progress so far.
Keep up to date on all things regarding HM Courts & Tribunals Service.
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