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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Five new courts start the roll out of the professional users’ access scheme

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

I’m very pleased that today we are adding five new courts to our scheme giving easier access to court for legal professionals. These are the first five courts in the full national roll-out of the scheme; you can expect to see more courts added progressively over the rest of the year.

The five courts are:

  • Manchester Minshull Street
  • York Crown Court
  • Reading Crown Court
  • Guildford Crown Court
  • Cardiff Crown Court

Working with the Bar Council

It’s been very good to work with the Bar Council on the scheme – you can see Richard Atkins' views here:

National roll out, and inclusion of other legal professionals

We announced earlier this month that we will roll the scheme out nationwide, with completion expected in early 2020.

We’ve been working hard over the last few months with legal professionals’ representative bodies to open the scheme up for their members. We’ve started with the Bar Council because they have been particularly quick to set up their end of the scheme. We’ll continue that work with others, including the Law Society, CILEx, CLSA and LCCSA.

Addressing concerns in the shorter term

Rolling out the ID card scheme will help. But it won’t be everywhere, for everyone, immediately. And we also need to make sure that our search procedures work well for everyone. So we are also taking action now.

We’ve already taken action in the courts where queues have been longest, adding extra officers and security arches where we can.

We’ve also published more consistent and transparent information about security processes and searches, so that all court users and workers know what to expect and why.

We’ll be using the materials as a training tool for our security contractors, so we can continue to reinforce the importance of processes being applied consistently, regardless of the location or prior knowledge of those entering a building.

Where concerns are raised about security at specific courts, we always investigate them fully and take appropriate action. We’ve also held regional engagement events, for example at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court in April, to answer court users’ queries and discuss issues about security processes with regional officers and security managers. On the other side, we will also keep supporting our hardworking security staff, and ensure that they themselves are treated with respect as they do their important job.

I’d welcome your feedback on the refreshed security materials and I’m grateful for your patience and support in making sure that our processes work to keep everyone in court safe and secure.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Pum llys newydd i ddechrau cyflwyno’r cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol

Rwy’n falch iawn o ddweud ein bod heddiw yn ychwanegu pum llys newydd i’n cynllun, gan roi mynediad rhwyddach i’r llysoedd i weithwyr proffesiynol ym maes y gyfraith. Dyma’r pum llys cyntaf i fod yn rhan o’r broses i gyflwyno’r cynllun yn genedlaethol; bydd rhagor o lysoedd yn cael eu hychwanegu’n raddol i’r cynllun yn ystod y flwyddyn.

Y pum llys yw:

  • Manceinion - Minshull Street
  • Llys y Goron Efrog
  • Llys y Goron Reading
  • Llys y Goron Guildford
  • Llys y Goron Caerdydd

Gweithio â Chyngor y Bar

Mae gweithio â Chyngor a Bar ar y cynllun wedi bod yn brofiad da iawn - gallwch ddarllen am safbwyntiau Richard Atkins yma:

Cyflwyno’r cynllun yn genedlaethol, a chynnwys gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ym maes y gyfraith

Bu inni gyhoeddi yn gynharach y mis hwn y byddwn yn cyflwyno’r cynllun yn genedlaethol, a disgwylir bydd y broses wedi’i chwblhau ddechrau 2020.

Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed dros y misoedd diwethaf gyda chyrff cynrychioliadol gweithwyr proffesiynol ym maes y gyfraith i agor y cynllun i’w haelodau. Rydym wedi cychwyn gyda Chyngor y Bar gan eu bod wedi sefydlu eu rhan nhw o’r cynllun yn gyflym iawn. Byddwn yn parhau â’r gwaith hwnnw gyda chyrff eraill, yn cynnwys Cymdeithas y Gyfraith, CILEx, CLSA a LCCSA.

Mynd i’r afael â phryderon yn y tymor byr

Bydd cyflwyno’r cynllun cerdyn adnabod yn helpu, ond ni fydd ar gael ym mhob man, ac i bawb, ar unwaith. Hefyd, bydd rhaid inni sicrhau bod ein gweithdrefnau chwilio yn gweithio’n dda i bawb. Felly, rydym yn gweithredu ar hwn nawr.

Rydym eisoes wedi cymryd camau gweithredu yn y llysoedd lle mae’r ciwiau hiraf, gan ddarparu rhagor o swyddogion diogelwch a bwâu diogelwch lle y gallwn.

Rydym hefyd wedi cyhoeddi gwybodaeth fwy cyson a thryloyw ynghylch prosesau diogelwch a gweithdrefnau chwilio fel bod holl ddefnyddwyr y llys a gweithwyr y llys yn gwybod beth i’w ddisgwyl a pham.

Byddwn yn defnyddio’r deunyddiau fel adnodd hyfforddiant ar gyfer ein contractwyr diogelwch, fel ein bod yn gallu parhau i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd rhoi’r prosesau ar waith yn gyson, ni waeth beth yw’r lleoliad na’r wybodaeth flaenorol am y rhai sy’n dod i mewn i adeilad.

Pan fydd pryderon yn codi ynghylch diogelwch mewn llysoedd penodol, byddwn wastad yn archwilio’r mater yn llawn ac yn cymryd camau gweithredu priodol. Rydym hefyd wedi cynnal digwyddiadau ymgysylltu rhanbarthol, er enghraifft, yn Llys Ynadon Wimbledon ym mis Ebrill, i ateb ymholiadau gan ddefnyddwyr llys a thrafod materion sy’n ymwneud â phrosesau diogelwch gyda swyddogion rhanbarthol a rheolwyr diogelwch. Ar y llaw arall, byddwn hefyd yn parhau i gefnogi ein swyddogion diogelwch gweithgar, a sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu trin gyda pharch wrth iddynt wneud eu gwaith pwysig.

Byddwn yn croesawu adborth gennych ar y deunyddiau diogelwch newydd ac rwy’n ddiolchgar am eich amynedd gyda sicrhau bod ein prosesau yn gweithio i gadw pawb yn y llys yn ddiogel.

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  1. Comment by Mark Peter Jones posted on

    I have seen the videos and the problem is woman being asked to take out Tampons out from there bags in public, gym clothing your scheme dose not stop these searches, after 25 year in the Criminal law I have never represented a person for taking the firearm in to court. I have seen security allow police officers to enter court with firearms, which is against the court rules.

    And why have you disable the comment section on your YouTube videos, is that to stop criticism, to stop users of the court from telling you of there embarrassment of intrusive searches, or court security breaching of Section 52 of the Courts Act 2003.

    • Replies to Mark Peter Jones>

      Comment by HMCTS Communications Team posted on

      Thanks for your comments, Mark.

      The scheme will enable solicitors and barristers to access their usual court without the need to be searched every time. They will have to sign up to conditions of entry, which include agreeing not to carry prohibited items into court. Random, full security checks will be undertaken on a sample of scheme participants to check compliance with those conditions.

      Anybody subject to a full search will be asked to open any baggage they might be carrying and display the contents. Officers may request the removal of items from the bag to inspect them further if they reasonably believe they may be in possession of a prohibited item. In some instances, the owner may be asked to move, or remove, items to ensure a thorough search is undertaken.

      Police officers with firearms are able to attend courts, with approval from the Senior Presiding Judge or Chief Magistrate, or in emergency situations.

      We have corrected the setting on the YouTube videos, so they are now public and accepting comments. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  2. Comment by Mark Jones posted on

    Non of your other videos on YouTude have the comments enabled. I have see the other videos, but us lawyer are still trying to understand why we are trusted less an a police officer. In 25 years of practice I have never had a client trying to get a prohibited item in to court.
    I have seen your posters around court and without a break down of item most lawyer call them fake news.
    We are locked in room with violent criminals, it is hard to understand how you protect our safety at court given the situation, it is strange that you treat us as if we are going to bring in prohibited items and tell us it's for our safety, but in fact we are a more high risk court use at the most