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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Enhanced access to workplaces for professional court users

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

Camilla Lees, Project Manager for the Professional Users’ Access Scheme provides an update on the scheme and how it’s supporting recovery efforts in our courts and tribunals.

Last year presented personal and professional challenges for most of us. In the workplace, those working in courts and tribunals faced unprecedented pressures in a Herculean effort to keep the justice system running, protecting the most vulnerable.

Woman working into court building

With the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the safety of all court users remained our primary concern. We introduced a range of enhanced health and safety measures which enabled staff and professional court users to continue, or return, to work in our buildings with confidence.

As part of this, we took steps to ensure that full security searches could still be carried out –critical to the security and safety of everyone who attends our courts and tribunals – but in a way that is as safe as possible and meets public health guidance.

Social distancing is, of course, an integral part of minimising the risk of transmission of the coronavirus and we quickly recognised that the Professional Users’ Access Scheme, which we had begun rolling out some time before the start of the pandemic, could provide a useful queue management tool at many of our buildings.

Progressing the scheme

As we move into a new year, I want to provide an update on how the scheme has progressed throughout the pandemic and highlight its important role in supporting HMCTS’s recovery plans.

In spring 2020, the scheme was live at approximately 100 courts and tribunals across the country. The early months of the pandemic coincided with the transition to new, enhanced technology behind the scheme. This improved the way scheme data is managed and provides a more consistent experience for members, for example enabling security officers to explain any ID card scan issues. We were able to bring around 25 new sites in to the scheme during this transition period.

Then, in October 2020, with the new technology fully in place, and mindful both of scheme members’ desire to see the scheme in operation as widely as possible, as well as the crucial role the scheme can play in contributing to the safety of our buildings’ users, we began rolling it out with renewed vigour.

As of January 2021, the scheme is now live at over 300 courts and tribunals, covering almost the entire estate. Since the onset of the pandemic, scheme membership has also increased significantly, more than doubling to its current figure of over 5,000.

A very small number of locations are not yet operating the scheme. These include sites where the design of historic buildings means they are unable to accommodate sufficient COVID-19 safety measures and as a result are closed for the foreseeable future. We expect that ultimately the scheme will be live at all court and tribunal sites and it will be introduced at these outstanding locations at the earliest opportunity.

Increasing scheme membership

As well as recognising the importance of the breadth of geographical coverage of the scheme, we remain very aware of the desire among our buildings’ professional users that scheme access be extended beyond its existing membership body.  Therefore, as well as increasing the number of locations running the scheme, we have continued to liaise closely with a number of organisations, working towards welcoming their members to the scheme.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) joined the scheme in December 2020 and their staff who attend court on a regular basis may now apply for membership.

We are particularly pleased that this month we have welcomed the Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association (CLSA) and the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association (LCCSA) to the scheme. The membership of both associations is supported by the Law Society, and they both accept applications from any practising solicitor, not only their own members. This is a significant development in the growth of the Professional Users’ Access Scheme, making its benefits available to around 100,000 eligible people.

The road ahead

It’s important to note that the safety of all our court users remains our main priority and as the scheme grows, we must all continue to adhere to the public health guidance around social distancing and other COVID-19 safety measures.

It’s likely that adaptations to the scheme’s operation in some buildings may be required for some time in response to changing circumstances, and we recognise that this may on occasion cause disruption to some scheme members. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding in these situations.

Members of the Professional Users’ Access Scheme continue to play a vital role in keeping the justice system operating. A recent survey found that over 85% of members felt that their access to courts and tribunals was improved as a result of the scheme.

We’re proud that the scheme is making such a difference to our legal professional colleagues during these difficult times and supporting wider HMCTS priorities towards recovery from COVID-19.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Gwell mynediad i weithleoedd i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llys

Cyflwynwyd heriau personol a phroffesiynol i'r rhan fwyaf ohonom y llynedd. Yn y gweithle, wynebodd y rhai sy'n gweithio mewn llysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd bwysau digynsail mewn ymdrech anferthol i gadw'r system gyfiawnder yn weithredol, gan ddiogelu'r rhai mwyaf bregus.

Gyda lledaeniad y coronafeirws (COVID-19), diogelwch holl ddefnyddwyr y llys oedd ein prif bryder o hyd. Gwnaethom gyflwyno ystod o fesurau iechyd a diogelwch gwell a oedd yn galluogi staff a defnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd i barhau, neu ddychwelyd, i weithio yn ein hadeiladau heb unrhyw bryder.

Fel rhan o hyn, cymerwyd camau gennym i sicrhau y gellid gwneud chwiliadau diogelwch llawn o hyd – sy’n hanfodol i ddiogelwch pawb sy'n mynychu ein llysoedd a'n tribiwnlysoedd – ond mewn ffordd sydd mor ddiogel â phosibl ac sy'n bodloni canllawiau iechyd y cyhoedd.

Wrth gwrs, mae cadw pellter cymdeithasol yn rhan annatod o’r ymdrech i leihau'r risg o drosglwyddo'r coronafeirws a chydnabuom yn gyflym y gallai'r Cynllun Mynediad i Ddefnyddwyr Proffesiynol, yr oeddem wedi dechrau ei gyflwyno beth amser cyn dechrau'r pandemig, ddarparu offeryn rheoli ciwiau defnyddiol mewn llawer o'n hadeiladau.

Symud y cynllun yn ei flaen

Ar ddechrau blwyddyn newydd, rwyf eisiau rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ichi am sut mae'r cynllun wedi datblygu drwy gydol y pandemig a thynnu sylw at ei rôl bwysig o ran cefnogi cynlluniau adfer GLlTEM.

Yng ngwanwyn 2020, roedd y cynllun yn weithredol mewn tua 100 o lysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd ledled y wlad. Roedd misoedd cyntaf y pandemig yn cyd-fynd â'r newid i dechnoleg newydd, gwell y tu ôl i'r cynllun. Roedd hyn yn gwella'r ffordd y caiff data'r cynllun ei reoli ac roedd yn rhoi profiad mwy cyson i aelodau, er enghraifft galluogi swyddogion diogelwch i esbonio unrhyw broblemau mewn perthynas â sganio cerdyn adnabod. Roeddem yn gallu cynnwys tua 25 o safleoedd newydd yn y cynllun yn ystod y cyfnod pontio hwn.

Yna, ym mis Hydref 2020, gyda'r dechnoleg newydd ar waith yn llawn, ac yn ymwybodol o awydd aelodau’r cynllun i weld y cynllun ar waith mor eang â phosibl, yn ogystal â'r rôl hollbwysig y gall y cynllun ei chwarae wrth gyfrannu at ddiogelwch defnyddwyr ein hadeiladau, dechreuwyd ei gyflwyno gyda mwy o frwdfrydedd.

Ym mis Ionawr 2021, mae'r cynllun bellach yn weithredol mewn dros 300 o lysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd, sy'n cwmpasu bron yr ystâd gyfan. Ers dechrau'r pandemig, mae aelodaeth y cynllun hefyd wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol, gan fwy na dyblu i’w ffigwr presennol o dros 5,000.

Nid yw pob lleoliad yn gweithredu'r cynllun ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys safleoedd lle mae dyluniad adeiladau hanesyddol yn golygu na allant ddarparu ar gyfer mesurau diogelwch COVID-19 digonol ac o ganlyniad maent ar gau hyd y gellir rhagweld. Disgwyliwn y bydd y cynllun yn weithredol ym mhob llys a thribiwnlys yn y pen draw ac fe'i cyflwynir yn y lleoliadau hyn cyn gynted â phosibl.

Cynyddu aelodaeth y cynllun

Yn ogystal â chydnabod pwysigrwydd ehangder cwmpas daearyddol y cynllun, rydym yn parhau i fod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r awydd ymhlith defnyddwyr proffesiynol ein hadeiladau i ymestyn mynediad i'r cynllun y tu hwnt i'w gorff aelodaeth bresennol. Felly, yn ogystal â chynyddu nifer y lleoliadau sy'n cynnal y cynllun, rydym wedi parhau i gadw mewn cysylltiad agos â nifer o sefydliadau, gan weithio tuag at groesawu eu haelodau i'r cynllun.

Ymunodd Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron (CPS) â'r cynllun ym mis Rhagfyr 2020 a gall eu staff sy'n mynychu'r llys yn rheolaidd bellach wneud cais am aelodaeth.

Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod y mis hwn wedi croesawu Cymdeithas Cyfreithwyr y Gyfraith Droseddol (CLSA) a Chymdeithas Cyfreithwyr Llysoedd Troseddol Llundain (LCCSA) i'r cynllun. Cefnogir aelodaeth y ddwy gymdeithas gan Gymdeithas y Cyfreithwyr, ac mae'r ddwy ohonynt yn derbyn ceisiadau gan unrhyw gyfreithiwr sy'n ymarfer, nid eu haelodau eu hunain yn unig. Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad arwyddocaol yn nhwf y Cynllun Mynediad i Ddefnyddwyr Proffesiynol, gan sicrhau ei fod ar gael i tua 100,000 o bobl cymwys.

Y dyfodol

Mae'n bwysig nodi mai diogelwch holl ddefnyddwyr ein llysoedd yw ein prif flaenoriaeth o hyd ac wrth i'r cynllun dyfu, mae'n rhaid i ni i gyd barhau i gadw at ganllawiau iechyd y cyhoedd ynghylch cadw pellter cymdeithasol a mesurau diogelwch COVID-19 eraill.

Mae'n debygol y bydd angen gwneud addasiadau i weithrediad y cynllun mewn rhai adeiladau am beth amser mewn ymateb i amgylchiadau sy'n newid, ac rydym yn cydnabod y gallai hyn weithiau amharu ar rai aelodau o'r cynllun. Gwerthfawrogwn amynedd a dealltwriaeth pawb yn y sefyllfaoedd hyn.

Mae aelodau'r Cynllun Mynediad i Ddefnyddwyr Proffesiynol yn parhau i chwarae rhan hanfodol o ran cadw'r system gyfiawnder i weithredu. Canfu arolwg diweddar fod dros 85% o'r aelodau'n teimlo bod eu mynediad i lysoedd a thribiwnlysoedd yn cael ei wella o ganlyniad i'r cynllun.

Rydym yn falch bod y cynllun yn gwneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i'n cydweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn ac yn cefnogi blaenoriaethau ehangach GLlTEM tuag at adferiad yn dilyn COVID-19.

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  1. Comment by Amanda Hamilton LLB (Hons) posted on

    I am the CEO of NALP (National Association of Licensed Paralegals) the professional membership body for Paralegals in England & Wales, and one of our members has forwarded on this blog.
    Can you advise us whether or not our members would be eligible to join this scheme? If so, please furnish us with further details. Many thanks.


    • Replies to Amanda Hamilton LLB (Hons)>

      Comment by HMCTS Communications Team posted on

      Thank you for your message and showing interest in the Professional Users’ Access scheme, Amanda.

      Whilst cases must of course be considered on an individual basis, we’re always really happy to speak to professional organisations looking to join the scheme.

      One of the team will be in touch with you directly via email soon to discuss this in more detail.

  2. Comment by Tim Briton posted on

    I am the national litigation and licensing lead officer for Lawyers in Local Government, which has 4,000+ members working for Councils throughout England and Wales. Many of our litigators are continuing to attend Court on a regular basis. Can I ask that one of your team make contact to discuss how our members can access this scheme please?

    • Replies to Tim Briton>

      Comment by HMCTS Communications Team posted on

      Good morning Tim, and thanks for showing an interest in the Professional Users’ Access scheme.

      We’re always very happy to speak to professional organisations who are looking to join the scheme and talk through on an individual basis.

      One of the team will be in touch with you directly via email soon to discuss in more detail.