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Daniel Flury, Operations Director

Building the Future of Criminal Justice: Our Vision for 2025 and Beyond (Part 2)

Operations Director, Daniel Flury outlines the vision for a more efficient criminal justice system by 2025, focusing on streamlining processes, improving case management, and investing in technology and people to create a more accessible and responsive system.

The State of Play In Our Criminal Courts: Challenges and Current Actions (Part 1) 

Daniel Flury, Operations Director at HMCTS, discusses the ongoing challenges in the criminal courts and the actions being taken to improve efficiency and reduce delays. From addressing case backlogs to streamlining processes, he outlines key efforts to strengthen the justice system.

Going further to support intimidated witnesses

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Witnesses may face difficulty when required to present evidence at trial. After a successful pilot of special measures to protect vulnerable witnesses, HMCTS is rolling out section 28 across England and Wales to allow witnesses to pre-record their cross examination and preserve the course of justice.