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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Court and Tribunal Forms search has moved to GOV.UK

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Civil, Crime, Digital services, Family, Tribunals, User experience and research

[English] - [Cymraeg]

The move of court and tribunal forms and guidance from form finder to GOV.UK is now complete.

From today, when you search for a form or guidance document, your search results will come from GOV.UK.

A simpler search

Searching is now simpler - form finder previously had 2 separate search boxes, and many people found this confusing.

There is now a single search box which you can use to search for words from the form/leaflet title, or form number or any combination, for example d8 form, divorce form or ex323.

Also, the words you use in your search do not need to be in the precise order they appear in the form title, in order to return a result.

For example, searches for divorce form and d8 form return results, when previously nothing was returned by form finder.

If you want to search more precisely, you can still do this by putting your search term in double quotes.

For example, “response pack” will only return results where those 2 words appear next to each other.

We’ve checked the most popular search terms and adjusted some results to make sure forms and guidance are findable.

If you find any results you think are unhelpful or misleading, we welcome your feedback.

Updating bookmarks and links to forms and guidance

If you have bookmarked form finder links to forms and guidance, these will continue to work for now. We have set up redirects to take you to the new pages on GOV.UK.

Now the migration is complete, we recommend you update bookmarks and links to point to the new pages, to ensure they continue to work long into the future.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Mae cyfleuster chwilio am ffurflenni’r Llysoedd a’r Tribiwnlysoedd wedi symud i GOV.UK

Cysylltu testun o dudalen gartref chwilio am ffurflenni. Mae ‘form finder’ wedi newid: dod o hyd i fwy o wybodaeth

Mae’r broses o symud ffurflenni a chanllawiau’r llysoedd a’r thribiwnlysoedd o ‘form finder i GOV.UK nawr yn gyflawn.

O heddiw ymlaen, pan fyddwch chi’n chwilio am ffurflen neu ganllawiau, bydd eich canlyniadau chwilio yn dod o GOV.UK.

Chwilio symlach

Mae’r cyfleuster chwilio nawr yn symlach - roedd gan ‘form finder’ gynt 2 flwch chwilio gwahanol, ac roedd hyn yn drysu llawer o bobl.

Yn awr mae un blwch chwilio y gallwch ei ddefnyddio i chwilio am eiriau o’r ffurflen/ teitl y daflen, neu rif y ffurflen neu unrhyw gyfuniad, er enghraifft ffurflen d8, ffurflen ysgaru neu ex323.

Hefyd i roi canlyniad, nid oes rhaid i’r geiriau yr ydych yn eu defnyddio fod yn y drefn benodol y maent yn ymddangos yn nheitl y ffurflen.

Er enghraifft mae chwiliadau am ffurflen ysgaru a ffurflen d8 yn dod â chanlyniad, pan nad oedd canlyniad ar ‘form finder’.

Os ydych chi eisiau chwilio yn fwy manwl, gallwch dal wneud hyn drwy roi eich term chwilio mewn dyfynodau dwbl.

Er enghraifft bydd “pecyn ymateb” ond yn dychwelyd canlyniadau lle mae’r ddau air yn ymddangos gyda’i gilydd.

Rydym wedi gwirio’r termau mwyaf poblogaidd sy’n cael eu defnyddio wrth chwilio ac wedi addasu rhai canlyniadau i sicrhau bod modd dod o hyd i ffurflenni a chanllawiau.

Os dewch ar draws unrhyw ganlyniadau sy’n annefnyddiol neu’n gamarweiniol yn eich barn chi, croesawn eich adborth.

Diweddaru nodau tudalen a dolenni i ffurflenni a chanllawiau

Os ydych chi wedi rhoi nod tudalen ar ddolenni ‘form finder’ i ffurflenni a chanllawiau, bydd y rhain yn parhau i weithio am y tro. Rydym wedi sefydlu system ailgyfeirio i fynd â chi i’r tudalennau newydd ar GOV.UK.

Gan fod y gwaith hwn nawr wedi’i gwblhau, rydym yn argymell i chi ddiweddaru nodau tudalen a dolenni i’r tudalennau newydd i sicrhau y byddant yn parhau i weithio yn y dyfodol.

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  1. Comment by LLOYD TUCKER posted on

  2. Comment by Anni posted on

    Thank you for being open & clear in these days of failure of mainstream journalism to adequately support democracy.