Leanne Galbraith explains when she was recently invited by the Law Society attendee of the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group to present at their Criminal Law Society Committee meeting on the 7th November in relation to the Common Platform and the Modernisation of the Criminal Justice System.
A blog post from Sue Walker-Russell, a Regional Implementation Co-ordinator for the Criminal Justice System's Common Platform Programme. Sue talks about our online plea service, a public facing service that enables defendants to engage with the Magistrates' court process more easily.
A blog post from Leanne Galbraith on the National Digital Practitioners Working Group on 27 October 2016. The post includes details of a video of the working software that has been created for the prosecution and how designs of the common platform are very similar to the GOV.UK website.
A blog post from Andrew Hyland who led the HMCTS Help with Fees project. The Help with Fees (also known as fee remission) service ensures the courts and tribunals are available and accessible to those who need them – regardless of their personal circumstances. If you apply for fee remission and are on certain benefits or on a low income you may not have to pay a court or tribunal fee, or you may get some money off.
Every month the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group meetings are arranged. These meetings are for defence practitioners to raise any digital issues they may be currently experiencing within the Criminal Justice system plus the opportunity to showcase the latest developments within the Criminal Justice System Common Platform Programme.
I would like to draw defence practitioners’ attention to the Citizens Advice Witness Service which is funded by MOJ and offers free, independent and impartial support for defence and prosecution witnesses in every criminal court in England and Wales. The Witness Services provides practical information about the process as well as emotional support to help witnesses feel more confident about giving evidence.
Over the last year, we’ve recruited 13 user testers into the Criminal Justice System Common Platform Programme. Over that time, we’ve experimented with a number of on-boarding processes, with varying results. We needed to get people up to speed quickly about the technologies that we’re using, the application that we’re building and the domain language and context that goes with them.
On 22 September 2016 I gave a presentation to the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group summarising interim findings of the two-factor authentication survey which I mentioned in my last blog post. In summary the majority of practitioners have access to a smart phone, would be able and willing to install an app on their smart phone to provide an access code.
One of GDS’s design principles is ‘Do the hard work to make it simple’. This is directed at transformational programmes like the Common Platform and the delivery teams working within it. Right now, those of us working in the Common Platform Programme are living out the reality of this principle – we’re working hard to uncover the essence of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) so that we have clean, clear service design that feels simple to use.
This blog post from Leanne Galbraith details information from the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group on 28 July in which we presented a session that sought views of defence practitioners in relation to two-factor authentication. Leanne also details information from the National Digital Practitioners’ Working Group on 25 August 2016 in which we presented a session on the importance of security.