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Video hearings put to the test

A screenshot taken from a computer of three people taking part in a video hearing.

A blog post from Susan Acland-Hood that talk about the results of the independent process evaluation into the video hearing pilot. The pilot has been testing user experiences - of the appellant, judges and officials in HMRC – of those participating in a real hearing in a tax tribunal.

Digital Architecture at the core of Reform

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Court and tribunal reform, Digital services, Working at HMCTS
Photograph of a finger touching a digital padlock. Padlock links to different computer symbols (for example, symbols of laptops, emails, computer networks) as a reference to digital architecture.

A blog post from Balaji Anbil, Head of the Digital Architecture and Cyber Security team at HMCTS. Balaji talks about how his Digital Architecture team will bring a common framework to support the Reform programme in developing citizen-centric, sustainable, and resilient digital services to meet the needs of courts users.

Realising the potential for video hearings

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Civil, Court and tribunal reform, Crime, Digital services, Family, General, Tribunals
VOPI headset on laptop computer keyboard.

Since March 2018, we have been piloting the use of fully video hearings in the tax tribunal, and using this to understand better how we can introduce this more widely as part of a more accessible and efficient service. Our latest blog explores video hearings in more detail.